The Best Vegetable Curry


2TBS Coconut Oil
4 Cloves Garlic
3 pepper (scotch bonnet/ habenero/ even shishito pepper will work)
3 Chopped scallion

1 Can Coconut milk
2TBS Curry Powder
1TBS Turmeric Powder
1TBS Cumin
1 Onion
2 TBS Fresh Ginger
2 Potatoes 
2 Carrots 
1 Cup Sweet Peas
1 Can of Chickpeas
Any Mixed veg or seasonal veg... throw it in the pot!
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Prep Time                            Cook Time:                    Ready In:
 5min                                        20mins                          25mins


Oil your wok or pot with coconut oil and turn it on Medium/High heat

Add chopped onion, 4 cloves of garlic and grated ginger. Stir in between each ingredient. 

Add your choice of peppers & salt and pepper to taste. Give everything a good 
Pro Tip: Leaving the seeds in your pepper will make this curry spicy! If that's too much for you take the seeds out during your prep time

Add Curry Powder, Turmeric Powder & Cumin. Stir In between each ingredient.

Add Chopped Potatoes & Carrots and let everything cook for about 10 minutes until semi soft

Add Fresh or Frozen veg, sweet peas and chickpeas. Stir in between each ingredient.

Add Coconut Milk, stir and lower your heat to a simmer. Cover your wok or pot if needed.

Add Cilantro and Scallion.

This curry cooks pretty fast! Make sure you're stirring frequently and that your potatoes and carrots are cooked through

Serve with homemade Roti and Rice



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