🌱 Jalapeño Cream Cheese Stuffed Bacon Burger


2 Beyond Meat Patties
1 Cup of Chopped Mushrooms
3 Pieces of Vegan Bacon
1/2 Cup of Kite Hill Jalapeño Cream Cheese

1 TBS Garlic Powder/ Onion Powder/Parsley/ Cumin/ Paprika
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Build your burger with your favorite fixings

Prep Time                            Cook Time:                    Ready In:
 15min                                      10mins                          25mins


Mix the Beyond Meat Patties & the Chopped Mushrooms until you get a blended meat mixture. Add the seasoning and give it a good mix

Fry up the Vegan Bacon. In a separate bowl add the fried chopped bacon to the Jalapeño Cream Cheese

Now, lets go back to that burger mixture. Form Two THICK burger patties and place a nice amount of vegan cheese in the middle of one. Place the other Burger Pattie on top of the one with cream cheese and create one Big, MONDO size burger. This takes a minute or so

tip: if the burger isn't sticking add a dash of oil. 

Throw the burger on the grill (med-high) heat. 4-6mins per side.

Build your burger with all your favorite fixings and serve with Cajun Fries ( see previous video)



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