Vegan Pesto Meatballs


1 Cup Vital Wheat Gluten
1TBS Basil, Oregano, & Parsley
1TBS Garlic Powder & Onion Powder
1TBS Cumin

1TSP Fennel
2 TSP Liquid Smoke
1/3 Cup cooked TVP or cooked Veggie/Soya Chunks
1/2 Cup Powdered Plant Milk (Soy/Coconut works well)
1/3 Cup Panko Bread Crumbs
1-2 Large Portobello Mushrooms
2TBS Chickpea Flour
1 Cup Fresh Basil
1/2 Onion
2-4 Cloves Fresh Garlic
1/2 Cup Water
3TBS Olive Oil
2 TBS Nutritional Yeast
Juice of 1 Small Lemon
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Prep Time                            Cook Time:                    Ready In:
 15min                                        20mins                          35-40mins


 In your food processor chop Mushrooms & cooked TVP or Cooked Soya Chunks. Add liquid smoke to this mushroom mix and set aside. Next, chop the fresh basil, onion & garlic and set aside.

In a bowl add your dry ingredients, followed by your mushroom meat mix and lastly your basil onion mix. Give it a good mix and then add in your water, oil, lemon juice. Use your muscles and mix until everything feels moist.

Forming the meatballs: (the meatballs will grow so do not make them too big)
After you roll your meatballs, coat them in a little bit of TVP so the outer layer can have a crisp crunch

Oil a Wok or Frying Pan and set meatballs inside the pan. Fry on med to low heat until golden. Halfway through add a little bit of water and steam fry the meatballs by covering the pan with a lid for 15-20 mins on Med to Low heat

Serve in a Pasta, by themselves or maybe in a meatball marinara sub



  1. Looks Amazing Can’t Wait To Make It Keep These Delicious Recipes Coming I’m All For It Honey


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