Vegan Roti


2 Cups of Flour
1/2 Cup Plant Milk (Soy, Almond, Coconut, Hemp, Pea, Oat) etc
2 TSP Sea Salt
2 TSP Baking Powder

2 TSP Vegan Butter
2 TSP Organic Sugar

Prep Time                            Cook Time:                    Ready In:
 35min                                      10mins                          45mins


Mix All ingredients together

Once you have a dough ball, flour the dough and knead it just a little. Add the dough to a clean bowl and cover it with a warm paper towel for 25 minutes

flour and roll out the dough. Score into 4 rectangle pieces. Fold 3 of the pieces in half and set aside. Take the remaining piece and roll it out completely 

Melt some Vegan butter and coat the dough with a generous amount of butter.

Score the dough directly down the middle and fold the dough into a cone shape (SEE VIDEO)

Take the dough and push in both sides. Use your thumbs and the sides of your index fingers and go around the dough making it into a Pattie shape (SEE VIDEO)

Roll out the dough

Fry on MED heat, 2-3 mins each side. Don't forget to butter each side

Serve with Vegan Curry



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